Friday, November 30, 2012


When I was 14, I lived in a small town of Chammal Tamaulipas Mexico.
This small town was surrounded by  mountains and at this time of year there was extreme heat.
The mountains has phosphorus, and it would ignite if the temperature spiked and set fire to the vegetation. This one particular time, the temperature was so high that all around us the mountains were on fire.  There was smoke everywhere. The natural heat and the burning vegetation caused the temperature to rise in town till we felt like we were cooking. So anybody that could, we would head to the river to cool down. But one day while my friend Manuel, my brother Ralph and I were setting in the shade at the house, we began to hear the sound of helicopters coming, it was then that we noticed the soldiers coming into town and at gun point began to pick men up on the streets and fly them into the mountains to fight the fires. It didn't take me long to put 2 and 2 together and figure out that we would soon be flying up there ourselves.  No one was prepared for this. I kind of doubted that they would have taken my brother and I but we knew they would have taken our friend Manuel, but then again , WHO KNOWS ...Anyways, I told Manuel to follow me and we went up on top of our roof of the house because it was flat and had a large tamarindo tree growing next to it with heavy foliage, that way we could hide and not be seen by the soldiers and the helicopter pilots. In the end it was a good thing that we did that because later we heard how two of the soldiers were attacked up there by some mountain lion though it seems a little far fetched to me and that a couple of other people were hurt in the process of fighting the fire.   This is not the only thing that has happened to me and later I'll post some of my river running experiences. I hope you enjoy reading these and would appreciate some feedback .  Your Friend ....Ted

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