Friday, January 4, 2013


I was raised in church so to speak and forgiveness was always a topic within the churches. That I must forgive to be forgiven. It is true that within the bible it says that, BUT HOW ON EARTH CAN I FORGIVE when I have so much hurt and pain from the things that were done to me ?
 BUT I HAVE FOUND THE ANSWER FOR ME. But first let me say, that forgiving DOES NOT MEAN FORGETTING or NOT HURTING. It takes time for that. It is much more simpler than that though. I noticed that in the Bible when Jesus was on the cross that he did not say , I FORGIVE THEM FOR WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO ME, nor did Steven say I forgive them for what they are doing to me or Paul saying the same thing. BUT WHAT THEY DID SAY was , Father hold this not to their charge, Here is what I see, Forgiveness is Not me saying I forgive you, but forgiveness is asking the avenger to not hold them accountable for the offense done to you. He has said , that what you ask he will do, in accordance to his will of coarse. Also he has said that vengeance is his, therefore if I say to someone I forgive you but I withhold asking the father to relinquish accountability, then they will answer for their offense to you. My personal feelings in this is NOT ONE MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD INVOLVED IN THE HANGING OF CHRIST WILL GIVE AN ACCOUNT FOR THAT ACTION. But this is just my opinion


  1. Teddy.. I think the more you see pain in the world, the more you tend to forgive dat person who is responsible for your wound. Atleast dat is true in my case. Dats how I feel.
    Everybody is hurt by d people in their lives. I'm not differnt from it. When I see people around me, getting hurt, broken, shattred... I always feel dat my pain is much less as compared to theirs. Like- I visited an orphanage..(If u read my blog u'll know) and I saw all those children wihout any complaints to anybody. Not to their parents, not to God, nobody. And even if der are some scars in their life, den they never show it. dey never let us feel its depth. And thus, I feel... If dey being such small kid, and are able to forgive, why can't I??

    So, this way I forgive people around me. but ya, I make sure, I dont keep much contact with dem later.. :D

  2. now, that is definitely a different angle! You are right. I don't recollect Big J saying "I forgive them", either. hmmm, I think I should let that sink in..I might start practicing after!
